2022 Men's Conference


Of leather and burlap,

of timber and brass.  

Of courage and fear,

dreams and reality at once. 

He runs, he walks and he inches along.  

Now a spear in his hand, now a pen.  

He protects, he provides, and he soothes.  

He inches along and the prize doesn't yield. 

Forth he goes,

sure footing or not.

Gripping promise.

Clutching faith.

Then one day, there in the yonder 

The crystal river he spots.

There his Father holds a crown.

For the one whose legs grew week, 

but his heart was made of brass.

The OCCC Men's Group meets at the church on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7PM. Although this is not a formal Bible Study, we incorporate His Word into the fellowship discussion. A typical evening will include a brief presentation by someone in leadership followed by group conversation on the topic.

"Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17