Orange Coast Community Church Youth Group

The future of us

It's important that our youth know the Scriptures

Their world is saturated with influences, influencers and a host of messages.  A good many of those messages can have adverse effects on people.  As they develop their identity and their beliefs begin to solidify, it is crucial that they be exposed to the Word of God.  The world provides precious little wisdom and many opportunities for our children to adopt a faithless world-view.  It is our most  important work to make sure that they also learn that there is a God in heaven, that God is not only real, but interested in each of them, and not only interested, but willing for each of them to spend an eternity in His company.

Ultimately, our children are going to make their own choices.  That is part of growing up and it is the way God built us.  We must be sure that they clearly know that a life of faith in Jesus is the best choice.

Socializing  with  other Christian youth

There is little doubt that our social circle has tremendous influence on us.  Growing up, our friends can and will be a factor in shaping our behavior and our values.  Also, youth are especially vulnerable to attacks from other youth.  Those attacks can be physical or psychological, either way, they are real and they can be very serious.  Providing a healthy environment where our kids can socialize with other Christians provides a safer alternative and one that can support the values that you are trying to pass on.

Christian or secular?

The world is  aggressive at influencing your kids.  Are you?


  • Friends
    Associating with other Christian youth, your kids will thrive in a safer environment
  • Values
    Learning  what is important to God and adopting those values provides a stable framework for a meaninful life.
  • Eternity
    There is only one way to heaven.  Faith in His Son Jesus Christ.  Nothing is more important.  Help them find the way.


  • Friends
    Secular friends often have a degrading effect on the Christian values you planted when your kids were little.
  • Values
    The world teaches that there are no absolutes.  It's all up for grabs and each person can define truth.
  • Eternity
    Without faith in Jesus, our children will be lost. Television, movies, public education, social media, they are all pulling them away from God.


We are the adults and we have a responsibility to lead our young to Jesus.  We must not rely on others to fulfill this all-imporant duty.  Ultimately, our children will decide for themselves.  That is part of growing up.  It is our job to present to them the Christian alternative to life and to eternity.  Why else would God have entrusted us with raising HIs children?