Bringing the Word of God to life for young children

Our children and the Bible
The Scriptures are a wonderful gift from our heavenly father--not just to the adults, but to all of us. Our children profit tremendously when we lead them in the study of God's Word, and they learn some of the most fundamental concepts for a meaningful and productive life of faith.
The Children's Ministry at Orange Coast Community Church works with the parents in exposing beautiful young minds to the reality of who God is and what is important to Him. We do this by engaging children in Bible stories, prayer, crafts, songs, and games.
Our wonderful volunteers make this possible. They serve God by serving our children. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and creativity make it all possible.
If children are part of your family, and you are considering visiting our church, we have a great place for them and would be blessed to meet them.

The joy of seeing them grow
Nourishing the minds of children with Biblical concepts is an activity that is important and rewarding. There are plenty of things that clamor for their attention, and not all of those things are valuable. The Children's Ministry at Orange Coast Community Church is a place where we focus on exposing our kids to things that will make a significant impact on how they view God, themselves and the people that God brings into their lives.
Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God belongs to people such as these little ones. With that in mind, we strive to make good use of the time we have with them.
If you have children we would love to meet them and to be a blessing to them as they get on their way to a life of joy in Jesus.
Our Vision for your Children
That they may know God
Teaching children Biblical truths about who God is, why we believe, why it matters, and how much God loves us.
That they may love Jesus and have eternal life
Helping our children know who Jesus is, how much He loves us, and that He has promised us life everlasting through his death on the cross.
That they may love people and share Jesus with them
Helping our children learn about following Jesus and equipping them to demonstrate to the world around them the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.