What does a Christian believe?
The God of the Bible IS REAL
Most humans throughout history have known in their heart of hearts that God is not a fantasy. We Christians believe in God. A single God. A specific God. The God of Abraham, Jacob and Moses. The God of the bible.
The God of the Bible is ETERNAL
He has no beginning and no end. He has always been, and all things that are, have their origin in Him. He holds all things together by the power of his word, and there is nothing, anywhere that he did not create.
The God of the Bible IS HOLY
Too lofty for us to comprehend. A being so perfect and so pure we cannot grasp though we may try. Those very few who have ever had an encounter with Him, inevitably react with awe and inescapable submission. He is the Lord.

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Click image to watch Part 2
Statement of Faith
Orange Coast Community Church
The Holy Scriptures
The holy bible, is the very word of God. A collection of men put the words to paper as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is made up of 66 books and grouped in two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The bible, is absolutely true and it is without error in the original writings. The Holy Scriptures are the complete revelation of God's will for the salvation of all people and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.