Why we worship together
Why we worship together
Worship is our way of connecting with God as a body of believers. When Jesus taught
his disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9, He prayed... “Our Father in heaven”, not “My Father”. Worship is a family affair. We feel close to each other and to our Father when we gather to worship together.
Orange Coast Community Church is a community of believers who love to sing to the God we love and appreciate so much. We know that He loves us and we are so happy to have the opportunity to raise our voice in worship to Him who gave us our lives and everything else we have.

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:25
Why we pray
Prayer is our pipeline to God. In His grace, He has opened the windows of Heaven and the doors of His heart to hear our heart-felt requests. When we express our deepest desires and urgent needs before Him, we see God answer us in miraculous ways.
When we feel close to another person, like a good friend or a spouse, we enjoy sharing our thoughts, our ideas and our dreams with them because sharing with them helps us to connect. In the same way, we pray to our heavenly Father because sharing our thoughts and our cares with Him helps us remain closely connected to Him.
Why we study the Bible
The Bible is God's primary means of communicating with us. In the 66 books of Holy Scripture, we discover how deeply He loves us, how carefully He guides us, and how desperately He wants us to walk according to His desires and designs.
The Word of God
It is a thing of wonder to think that the Master, the Creator of the entire universe, decided one day to write a book for us. A book that is full of wonder and amazing insights. Think of this... what if He hadn't written the Book? What if we were left to guess and imagine. What if we had no clear, definite way of knowing what God expects and why.
Like a blind person
A blind person often struggles to get to where they need to go because they can't see where they are going. Without the Word of God, we all would be in a similar struggle in a spiritual sense. The Bible is the light that shines in the darkness and helps us to see the path that we need to walk. It guides us and strengthens us for the journey.
Talking with our Lord is what we do when we pray, but it's not very often that He talks audibly to us. Instead, He wrote the Bible in order to communicate His ideas to us. When we read his Book, we learn not only the story of our faith, but we get to know the heart of the God who created us and who sacrificed Himself to save us from an eternity of misery.
We believe the Bible is without error or mistreatment in the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. God moved the writers of Scripture, (II Peter 1:21) using their personalities to pen His Word and will for our lives. It is His final revelation for man (Hebrews 1:1-2) and it gives us godly wisdom to live our lives according to His plan. (IITimothy 3:15-17)
Over the past century there have been 100,000 Archeological digs that have proven the accuracy and authenticity of God's Word. If it were a bogus book, the archeologist's spade would have revealed it by now. The Bible is also full of prophetical statements about historical people and places that were perfectly fulfilled hundreds of years after they were predicted by biblical writers. The Bible is absolutely miraculous.
The Bible is God's huge love letter to us. From Genesis to Revelation, it puts forth His plan of redemption and His consistent care for His children that He passionately loves.
Why we tithe
Malachi 3:10 promises us that if we bring 10% of our earnings to God's house, He will pour out His physical and financial blessings upon our individual lives. God proved His love to us by giving us the priceless gift of His perfect son to die for our many sins. We prove our love to Him by offering a percentage of our income on a regular basis to carry on the work of His glorious church on earth.
If you are ministered to by the message that you watch online, you may choose to avail yourself of the opportunity we have provided you to give online. You can also give each Sunday morning during the offering time.